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On the 27th June 2019, my husband and i decided over night that we are going to adopt a fur baby, we looked on the our two favourite Facebook pages , Ark Animal Center and Paws R US. Hubby found our baby, his insistence to get a baby that somehow incorporates all his favourite breeds (German Shepard and Pomsky) and still be lawful in our complex (no more than 30cm while standing on all fours)

We found Mikayla at the Paws R US shelter in Midrand and i fell in love , i walked her on the walking trail and she was so sweet, unbothered and basically just like me. That day we went straight to various pet stores to prepare for our new baby by splurging on what she would need from food to bed to toys and treats. The anticipation was killing us but after a grueling month she finally came home and it was like shes been there all along.

We live in a quaint 1 bedroom ground floor unit with a spectacular garden. To be honest the only reason i moved into this small apartment is the garden, as soon as i walked i fell inlove. I had a piece of nature but it was clean, open, safe and magical, it was my piece of heaven. Honestly there isn’t as much space and moveability as i would like.

Its been a little over a month and her personality is really starting to sprout, when she first arrived she had mounts of energy (Which hasn’t changed) but she was somewhat shy, she would like sitting close to us but then move away after 10 mins. She is really a sweet girl, so loving but has so much energy. Thankfully we have a big garden so it allows her to run like a wild animal.

Most times I sit and look her and laugh to myself, she’s a fire cracker and a complete princess who LOVES the finer things in life. And to be fair we treat her like a princess, she has us dancing to her tune. She whines, sulks, races to sit on my favorite spot on the couch, sleeps spread eagle on the bed.

Okay so if you are a person that feels squeamish about dogs on the bed, on the couch then this blog isn’t for you.
